License files are downloaded from our online purchase system.
- Go to My Orders and Quotes. This page lists your order history with Aspose. In the end of column of the grid next to each order is a Review link.
- Click Review for the order you want to download a license for. The details for that order are displayed.
- At the bottom of the page will be a link titled Download License.
- Click Download License at the bottom of the page. A dialogue appears to allow you to select where to save the license.
To learn how to set the license, please see the licensing section of the documentation.
Important: you have to be logged in to download. If you have not logged in, or if you log in with an account other than the one that bought the license, you may see a blank order list and not be able to download the license. If you want to change the ownership from the purchaser’s account to your account, please refer to how to change ownership of an order by transferring a license.

If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact our sales support who will be glad to assist.